Artist Biography
Christopher Mun-chiu Ku
Christopher Ku (born 1957, Hong Kong) studied painting during his secondary school years in Taiwan. At the age of 19, Ku moved to Aberdeen, Scotland and enrolled in Gray's School of Art. In 1990, Ku received a master's degree from the Royal College of Art in London. He returned to Hong Kong in 2000 and devoted himself to painting, continued exploring the aesthetic style for his work.
1990 Royal College of Art, MA in Painting, London
1988 Gray’s School of Art, BA (Hons) 1st Class in Painting, Aberdeen
1981 College of Commerce, Diploma in Art and Design, Aberdeen
Solo Exhibitions
2022 Motion Perpetual - Christopher Ku Early Works, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong
2022 Painting of Reverberation (Exhibition Phase 1), Illuminati Fine Art, Hong Kong
Painting of Reverberation (Exhibition Phase 2), Illuminati Fine Art, Hong Kong
2016 Formosa 101 Art Fair, Taipei
2014 二又二分之一Anniversary, KU ART Museum, Kaohsiung
2012 Early Sketches of Christopher KU, Nexto Contemporary Art, Hong Kong
2011 Between Thoughts and Existence, Blue Lotus Gallery, Hong Kong
Desire, Extraction - Christopher Ku, KU ART Museum, Kaohsiung
2008 Christopher Ku Solo Show, Blue Lotus Gallery, Hong Kong
2004 Paintings by Christopher Ku, Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong
First Institute of Art and Design Gallery, Hong Kong
Unfinished Project, State-of-the-Arts Gallery, Hong Kong
2003 Beyond Boundaries, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong
2001 Time and Being, The Fringe Club - Nokia Gallery, Hong Kong
2000 Chouinard Fine Art, Hong Kong
1998 The Quaker Gallery, London
1997 Noah’s Art Gallery, Lebanon
1994 Henrietta House Hotel, London
Colonnade Walk Shopping Centre, London
1993 Lochgelly Centre, Scotland
1992 Wine From Paris LTD, Edinburgh
Citizens Gallery, Edinburgh
1989 Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen
Selected Group Exhibitions
2018 Cohesion, Illuminati Fine Art, Hong Kong
2017 Links of Thought, Cheer Bell Gallery, Hong Kong
2015 Critical Existentialism, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong
2014 Painted Passion, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong
2013 The 1st Edition of Art Macao, Macau
2012 Form, Colour, Line : Contemporary Hong Kong Painting, Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
2010 原初的輪廓, Ground Sixteen, Hong Kong
2009 Summer Delights, Blue Lotus Gallery, Hong Kong
Primo Strokes, Ground Sixteen, Hong Kong
Shore: International Literary and Visual Art Exhibition
(organized by Sino Group), Central Plaza & OC Gallery, Hong Kong
Figurative and Abstract, Hong Kong Central Library, Hong Kong
2008 Fine Art Contemplation, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong
2005 Your Price - Interact Art Market, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong
2004 20 Years of Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
Art is Life, Life is Art, Para Site, Hong Kong
2003 Inseparable, The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School, Hong Kong
Embracing The New Century - The 3rd Edition of Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, The National Art Museum of China, Beijing
2002 A Love of Art, University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Space Art Ex, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Hong Kong
Dancing in the Millennium, Sha Tin Town Hall, Hong Kong
The Art School Lecturers Exhibition, Pao Galleries - Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
University of Hong Kong Lecturers Exhibition, University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2001 Hong Kong Art Biennial 2001, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong
1996 Absolut Secret, Royal College of Art, London
1995 Delfina Studio Open, Delfina Studio Trust (now called Delfina Foundation), London
1994 The Whitechapel Open, Whitechapel Gallery, London
1994-95 Journeys West - British Art Council’s Touring Exhibition, United Kingdom
Studio Work, Aberdeen City Art Gallery, Aberdeen
1992 Scottish Society of Art, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh
1991 Open Shutter, Citizen Studio, Edinburgh
Aberdeen Annual, Aberdeen City Gallery, Aberdeen
Paper Work 91, Seagate Gallery, Dundee
1990 Behind the Metal Shutter, Citizens Studio, Edinburgh
Contemporary View 1990, Henry Moore Gallery, Royal College of Art, London
Paper Work 90, Seagate Gallery, Dundee
Museum 2000, Germany
Into the Nineties, Mall Galleries, London
MA Degree Show, Royal College of Art, London
Galerie Zur Alten Deutschen Schule, Switzerland
The International Contemporary Art Fair, Olympia Exhibition Centre, London
The Decade Ahead, The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh
1989 In The City, Young Unknown Gallery, London
The 2nd Annual Competition, The Square Gallery, London
Art Direction, The Art Directors’ Company LTD, London
Galerie Zur Alten Deutschen Schule, Switzerland
1988 BA Degree Show, Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen
Annual Exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh
Aberdeen Annual Exhibition, Aberdeen City Gallery, Aberdeen
1988 Student Annual Exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh
Sketch Club Exhibition, Aberdeen City Gallery, Aberdeen
The New Generation, Compass Gallery, Glasgow
1987 Annual Exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh
Aberdeen Annual, Aberdeen City Gallery, Aberdeen
Student Annual Exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh
Sketch Club Exhibition, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Aberdeen
Art & Literature, Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh
Royal Glasgow Institute Annual, Glasgow
1986 Rank Xerox National Selected Touring Exhibition, United Kingdom
1993 Arthur Andersen LLP Award, London
1991 Aberdeen Annual Exhibition – Highly Commented, Aberdeen
1990 Royal College of Art – John Milton Scholarship Award, London
1988 Aberdeen Annual Exhibition – Shell Expo Award, Aberdeen
1987 Scottish Development Agency Mural Competition - Runner Up Prize, United Kingdom
1987 Annual Exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy - Latimer Award, United Kingdom
1987 Student Exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy - First Prize & The Maclaine Watters Gold Medal, United Kingdom
2011-2016 KU ART Museum ∙ Kaohsiung ∙ Taiwan
Institute & Corporate Collections
Marlow Art Collection, United Kingdom
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen
Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen
Royal College of Art, London
PI Group LTD, London
Museum 2000, Germany
National Electronics Holdings Limited, Hong Kong
Rotary Club of Maten, Lebanon
The New Cultural Revolution Restaurant, London
1988-1990 英國皇家藝術學院,藝術碩士學位,倫敦
1984-1988 基利斯藝術學院,藝術系榮譽學士學位,亞巴甸
1977-1981 亞巴甸商業學院,美術設計文憑,亞巴甸
2022 動念 ∙ 谷敏昭早期作品展,香港視覺藝術中心,香港
2022 迴盪 ∙ 繪畫 (展覽第一節),明畫廊,香港
迴盪 ∙ 繪畫 (展覽第二節),明畫廊,香港
2016 福爾摩沙101國際藝術博覽會,台北
2014 二又二分之一周年慶,谷敏昭美術館,高雄
2012 谷敏昭:早期草稿,上下當代藝廊,香港
2011 Between Thoughts and Existence,Blue Lotus畫廊,香港
慾望.抽離 - 谷敏昭創作個展,谷敏昭美術館,高雄
2008 谷敏昭創作個展,Blue Lotus 畫廊,香港
2004 谷敏昭畫展,漢雅軒,香港
2004 大一藝術設計學院,香港
未完的突破 - 谷敏昭哲學及超現實意念畫展,State-of-the-Arts 畫廊,香港
2003 Beyond Boundaries,牛棚藝術村,香港
2001 時間和存在,Nokia畫廊,藝穗會,香港
2000 Chouinard畫廊,香港
1998 The Quaker 畫廊,倫敦
1997 Noah’s Art 畫廊,黎巴嫩
1994 漢麗埃塔別墅酒店,倫敦
1993 洛倫理中心,蘇格蘭
1992 Wine From Paris 有限公司,愛丁堡
Citizens 畫廊,愛丁堡
1989 亞巴甸皇家醫院 ,亞巴甸
2018 凝 – 兩岸三地藝術家聯展,明畫廊,香港
2017 有所思 – 四人聯展,盈鑾畫廊,香港
2015 存在思覺,香港視覺藝術中心,香港
2014 忱,香港視覺藝術中心,香港
2013 首屆澳門藝術博覽會,澳門
2012 形色線:當代香港繪畫,香港浸會大學顧明均展覽廳,香港
2010 原初的輪廓,G16藝文空間,香港
2009 Summer Delights,Blue Lotus畫廊,香港
Primo Strokes,G16藝文空間,香港
岸:國際文學與視藝展(信和集團主辦),中環廣場、OC畫廊 ,香港
具象抽象 – 香港當代油畫水彩版畫展,香港中央圖書館,香港
2008 Fine Art Contemplation,牛棚藝術村,香港
2005 Your Price - Interact Art Market,牛棚藝術村,香港
2004 漢雅軒二十年慶,香港藝術中心,香港
Art is Life, Life is Art,Para Site藝術空間,香港
2003 形影不離,香港藝術學院藝廊,香港
2002 視藝集觀,香港大學美術博物館,香港
舞進新紀元 ,沙田大會堂,香港
2001 香港藝術雙年展,香港藝術館,香港
1996 Absolut Secret,英國皇家藝術學院,倫敦
1995 德爾菲娜工作室開放 ∙ 德爾菲娜信託工作室 (現稱: 德爾菲娜基金會),倫敦
1994 -95 Journeys West – 英國藝術協會巡迴展,英國
The Whitechapel Open,Whitechapel 畫廊,倫敦
1993 Studio Work,亞巴甸城市畫廊,亞巴甸
1992 Scottish Society of Art,蘇格蘭皇家學院,愛丁堡
1991 Open Shutter,Citizen工作室,愛丁堡
Aberdeen Annual,亞巴甸城市畫廊,亞巴甸
Paper Work 91 ∙ Seagate 畫廊,鄧迪
1990 Behind the Metal Shutter,Citizens 工作室,愛丁堡
Contemporary View 1990,亨利‧摩爾畫廊,英國皇家藝術學院,倫敦
Museum 2000,德國
Paper Work 90,Seagate 畫廊,鄧迪
Galerie Zur Alten Deutschen Schule,瑞士
Into the Nineties, Mall 畫廊,倫敦
The Decade Ahead,The Scottish畫廊,愛丁堡
1989 In The City,Young Unknowns畫廊,倫敦
第二屆週年比賽,The Square 畫廊,倫敦
Art Direction,The Art Directors有限公司,倫敦
Galerie Zur Alten Deutschen Schule,瑞士
1988 藝術系學士畢業展,基利斯藝術學院,亞巴甸
The New Generation,Compass 畫廊,格拉斯哥
1987 藝術年展,蘇格蘭皇家學院,愛丁堡
1986 Rank Xerox 國家精選巡迴展覧,英國
1993 安達信會計師事務所獎狀,倫敦
1991 亞巴甸城市週年展覧 – 高等榮譽獎,亞巴甸
1990 英國皇家藝術學院 – 約翰米頓獎學金,倫敦
1988 亞巴甸城市週年展覧 – 硯殻石油公司二等獎,亞巴甸
1987 蘇格蘭建設代理壁畫比賽 – 優異獎,蘇格蘭
蘇格蘭皇家學院年展 – 拉甸馬奬,蘇格蘭
蘇格蘭皇家學院學生展 – 一等奬 及麥吉連金牌,蘇格蘭
2011-2016 谷敏昭美術館,高雄
Marlow Art Collection,英國
PI Group 有限公司,倫敦
Museum 2000,德國
National Electronics Holdings Limited,香港
Maten扶輪社∙ 黎巴嫩
The New Cultural Revolution 餐廳 ∙ 倫敦