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Text: Christopher KU

Where there is fire, there will be smoke. Before we know there is a fire, we shall see the smoke first from afar.

In the context of contemporary art, do we have the work first or the concept?

In general, bigger the fire will give more smoke, but when there is only smoke without fire, or when there is only fire without smoke, people will start to ask questions.

When we resolve the above question, we will go on to ask what has caused the fire.

Is this fire caused by a picnic party?

Is it a prank made by a misanthropist?

Is it merely decoration for a fun party?

Is it a signal of danger?

Is it an accident?

Is it a lonely person trying to draw our attention?

Is it set for something constructive or destructive?

Likewise the same question can be applied to contemporary art.

When the above question is answered, we will continue to ask more.

Have the processes of modernism and modernisation taken place in Hong Kong? Have we followed the processes and entered the context of post-modernism critising modernism?

Hong Kong has been modernised without going through the theories and practice of post-modernisation. But did the results of modernisation¹  lead us to the post-modernised (or post-modern) way of thinking? When we fail to criticise modernism by looking at its achievements and processes, the term "post-modernised" bears no meaning at all. We are then not qualified to say if post-modernism, together with the truths it has uncovered in the West, could solve the above question. In light of this, can any of us become a real contemporary artist? If we just try to express our concepts or ourselves as individuals without tracing the course of history, what we build up will be an ambiguous context without any connection with the true cause behind.

Lack of reflection on the cause and result of post-colonialism is like a picture taken in the West, showing fire without smoke, or showing smoke without fire. It has brought neither crisis nor comfort. We are marching towards a self-centre. Loss of thinking will create a culture that blindly follows the benefits of post-consumerism. A post-modern (post-modernised) context that nobody can share will be established. It is unconscious and numb.

Artists of Hong Kong are degenerating without their knowing it. They shut themselves up in an artist playground where they find their dreams come true. They show smiling faces in pictures, but there is no soul, just like the fire captured in a photograph. What happened were only concerns and worries brought by others, and such concerns and worries have intensified the happiness of those artists in the artist playground. Absence of meanings and a clear mind fits well in a culture that is self-entertaining and complacent.
As an ending note: Hitler²
 recruited 1,000 academics 3 for critising the relativity theory. Einstein told him that to prove the relativity theory wrong 4, only one person is enough.


1. "Modernised" is better described as "modern" in Hong Kong.
2. The curator
3. Just like 1,000 art academics from Hong Kong or 1,000 exhibitions
4. Right or wrong is determined by Hitler (the curator). The desire for power is no different between Hitler and a curator.
5. There is no such person in Hong Kong. We will not be able to find him even if there is.



















最後,希特拉² 當年曾組織過1000名3學者,集體批駁“相對論”,愛因斯坦回應道,要證明“相對論”是錯的4,一個人就足夠了。


2. 策展人

3. 那怕是1000個香港藝術學者或1000個展覽。


5. 香港的確沒有這樣的一個人。有也被埋沒了。


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